Pekun Runo Center is a hidden gem found on the edge of the mountains in Atalaya. It is situated in lush, central jungle directly east of Lima. The town is on the Ucayali River which is a large tributary of the mighty, life giving Amazon. The beginning of the cradle of life, filled with the all medicine required to heal our societies disconnect from nature and reestablish a more harmonious relationship with our Mother Earth.


Located outside of the ayahuasca tourist hot spots in Peru, you fly in to Pucallpa from Lima. The center is half an hour into the hills from the city of Atalaya, which is the province in the Lower Ucayali region.


There are many magical waterfalls with crystal clear fresh water which you can bathe, shower and float dreamily in. Our two streams have been known to provide fish. The climate is warm and sweet, a perfect temperature. Best of all, there are few mosquitoes!

This is a true jungle paradise.

Here there is no bad or competitive energy, and you can relax very well. The songs of the birds and the insects help to connect with the plants and mother nature. The jungle soundtrack is the perfect ear massage for your body and spirit. We have access to a variety of master plants including Bobinsana, Marosa, Ajo Sacha, Oje, Pinon Colorado, Pinon Blanco, and Chiric Sanango. These will be harvested fresh and locally for your dietas. We have isolation tambos as well as communal spaces for ceremony, art creation and preparing or eating meals.


Maestro Pablo Bardales Ahuanari is a traditional Shipibo shaman who has dedicate his life to this service and has learnt directly from the plants. His work is very deep, honest and wonderful. He has a lot of passion for what he does, and it comes through in his treatment and doctoring of his patients and students. You will feel the power of his medicine in ceremony, and you will find yourself learning much about this way, this healing path and the relationship with the spirit of Aya and the many master plants.  Pablo is a humble but powerful teacher.  He is open to sharing his wisdom and helping someone to grow.

Most of all, you will feel the affection, love and faith he has for all those around him.


At Pekun Runo, we aspire to create an environment that is the most accommodating to the healing & learning of our guests. While we understand there are many intentions and aspirations for what the medicine path can provide, we endeavour to guide our guests into a deeper experience, to know themselves, their faith, their dreams better than when they arrived. We ask that you consider dieting a master plant while you are here. We ask for your support in making this a harmonious and respectful journey of discovery for yourself and all others who have come here.


Pekun Runo is owned and operated by indigenous Shipibo families with a powerful, authentic connection to the world of plant spirits.

People come here when they want to have a deep, honest and traditional experience in a place that will hold them in quiet solitude and communion with Mother Earth and the Great Spirit. This land is magical and can help the people heal and change.  Come to heal from various diseases, curses, traumas and to learn to connect with the master plants. Come to change into the person you want to be, and break free from some of the tethers that are holding you back in life.


We are here for you.


If you have a question, just write to us and we will answer as soon as we can.


You are welcome here.


It gives us great joy when we can support and help with your needs.


Greetings and hugs, the family


Telephone: +51 957 801 487

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